Rose sparkling wines

tradition and art

Rosé sparkling wines from different regions of France are increasingly valued by consumers and such wines represent an increasing proportion of the overall market.

While the wines of Champagne retain their image of luxury sparkling wine, other regions are offering sparkling wines at affordable prices today.

Today sparkling wines tend to attract consumers who are loyal to certain brands, but are willing to try other quality wines of this type.

J.J.Bréban strongly believes in the potential of sparkling wines. "Given the way we work, he has said, we offer quality products. Behind the development of sparkling wine are hidden techniques, methods and a technical process which has been raised to the level of an art … "


White sparkling wines

uniting people for greatest events

It is impossible to imagine receptions, birthday parties, New Year’s Eve celebrations, friendly evenings, the family gatherings, and picnics without fine sparkling wines.

Indeed, the holidays would not be the same in the absence of such delightful and refreshing wines...

After all, sparkling wines unite people and imbue life’s greatest events with joy.

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